
Upload CSVs via Email

Factor can ingest customers’ CSVs in multiple different ways, including via email. If this method is most convenient for your business, here’s how to do it.

Before you upload your open orders to Factor, make sure you have a Factor account created. Click here to set up a Factor account.

Once you have a Factor account, you can upload orders easily with a few steps:

Determine the format with which you need to upload your CSV.

Factor can accept your open orders using either Factor’s default format or a custom CSV format we create for you. If you’re not sure which one is the best to use, here are some tips:


Download the Factor default template here.

For assistance creating a custom format, please contact

Email your CSV to Factor

Using the email address with which you created your Factor account, create a new email addressed to

Attach your CSV you created to this email. Ensure you only attach one CSV or the upload will fail.

If you have used a Factor template, simply click Send. The items will automatically appear in your account.

If you have used a custom template, Factor has to know what template to use when ingesting your CSV. To tell Factor how to read your template, copy the following code and paste it in the body of the email:

{“fieldMappingSid” : “abcdefg12345678”,"forceItemGroupsNotPresentDelivered": true,"membersToNotifyOnFailure": ","}

Replace “abcdefg12345678” with the unique identifier of your template provided to you by the Factor team.

“forceItemGroupsNotPresentDelivered” is an optional parameter. You do not have to include it. If you do, the items from any previously uploaded files will be marked as delivered.

“membersToNotifyOnFailure” is an optional parameter. You do not have to include it. If you do, and the upload fails, the emails in the comma-separated list will be notified.

Your email should look something like this, below:


Now you can send your email! Factor will automatically ingest your CSV using the custom map you referenced in the body of the email.

Potential Errors

It is possible for your upload via email to fail. In the case of a failure, Factor will send you an email informing you of why the upload failed. The failure can be for one of the following four reasons:

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